About Us
The Sustainability Support Service (SSS) for Business at PHY Ltd was founded by Dr. Veronica Broomes, an experienced Sustainability Specialist, Researcher, Plant Scientist and Entrepreneur.
In preparing to start this business, Dr Broomes drew on her experience of working in Sustainable Development and Sustainability, conducting Impact Assessments (environmental, social), research on Strategic Approaches to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Veronica’s early career in applied science research along with her university qualifications at the post-graduate level (science, law) are harnessed strategically as the founder of Peak Homes Yorkshire Ltd (PHYL).
At the heart of the work of Peak Homes Yorkshire are two core areas of services:
- Solutions that help small and medium enterprises (SMEs) increase competitiveness through increasing awareness of environmental and social aspects of sustainability.
- Integrating sustainability in refurbished housing stock through improving energy efficiency, reducing waste and lowering carbon emissions”
For low carbon home refurbishments in South Yorkshire, the team at Peak Homes Yorkshire will focus on increasing energy efficiency and ventilation, reducing waste generation and integrating three key pillars of sustainability in the process -Social, Environmental, Economic.
Mindful of the growing risks posed by global climate change, the company is committed to make a difference in helping businesses, homeowners, landlords and tenants become more efficient in their use of resources such as energy and water, promote a circular economy (less waste sent to landfills) and foster the greening of communities.

Importance of energy efficiency to homeowners
Because of her professional knowledge and experience, Peak Homes Yorkshire’s Managing Director knew about what changes to legislation in the UK along with the rest of the world would mean for building companies, landlords and homeowners. The built environment was changing in a way not seen for many decades! What this meant is that much more attention needed to be paid to reducing carbon emissions of buildings and other built environment infrastructure
Because of plans by the UK government to discontinue the installation of gas boilers in new homes within this decade, there is an urgent need for homeowners to be aware and prepare for this change. Whilst the cost of energy pumps as an alternative to gas boilers for residential homes, it is not too early for homeowners to be aware of the implications as a future cost for the maintenance of their properties.

Commitment to reducing carbon emissions
One of the early actions taken by PHYL was to request research to be conducted on the implications for materials used for insulation of homes and the life-time cost when unsuitable materials are used.
Peak Homes Yorkshire Ltd has signed up to the SME Climate Hub (https://smeclimatehub.org/uk/). This action is a demonstration of its longer-term commitment to reducing carbon emissions at all stages of its work and in support of homeowners and their families who will buy the refurbished homes.
In 2021 and beyond, in view of the urgency to reduce carbon emissions as economies transition to net zero, refurbishment of houses can no longer be considered “business as usual”.
Due consideration to refurbishment projects will ensure these are no longer viewed as the mere redecoration of walls and installing new kitchens and bathroom suites. Instead, urgent attention and concerted action is needed to ensure measures taken during refurbishments will reduce carbon emissions and make more energy efficient both during activities for refurbishment and longer-term costs to homeowners, landlords and tenants. It is against this backdrop, that led to the birth of Peak Homes Yorkshire Ltd.
Weblinks to useful resources for sutainability pillars -people, planet, profit
Climate Change Committee, UK (independent statuary body): https://www.theccc.org.uk/about/
SME Climate Hub, UK: https://smeclimatehub.org/uk/
Carbon Trust (UK): https://www.carbontrust.com/resources/sme-carbon-footprint-calculator
Circular economy: Furniture designs aimed at reducing environmental impact and carbon emissions:
Race to Zero campaign (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change): https://unfccc.int/climate-action/race-to-zero-campaign