Understanding the basics of small business sustainability -Lunchtime seminar

🌍💚 Are you ready to ensure your business makes a positive impact on people, planet and revenues?

In early September 2023, Head of the Sustainability Support Service at PHY Ltd and our Founder, Dr Veronica Broomes, was the guest presenter at an online Lunch and Learn session organised by Enterprise Nation.

In a 30-minute session, Veronica Broomes explored the basics of sustainability. Her contribution covered what sustainability means, why it matters and how you can use a Sustainability Audit to review your business and deliver positive benefits of sustainability and value for your customers.

In addition, our Founder, shared insights and facts to help dispel myths about sustainability and practical actions that businesses can implement for success along their sustainability journey.

Veronica Broomes is an expert on sustainability, trainer, speaker, entrepreneur and founder of the Sustainability Support for Business service at PHY Ltd. Moreover, having worked in sustainability for over 15 years, from climate change impacts to sustainability development through to strategic approaches to corporate social responsibility (CSR), Veronica is committed to continuing professional and business development through adapting relevant strategies for growth, acquiring relevant new knowledge acquisition and sharing best practices to strengthen sustainability in your business plans and strategies.

Three key takeaways from the Enterprise Nation lunchtime session were:

      • Understand the basic pillars of sustainability and how they can be applied to achieve successful business outcomes

      • Gain practical insights into how a sustainability audit can lead to successful results

      • Discover myths about sustainability that prevent your business from getting ahead of the curve

    You can listen to this informative talk from our sustainability expert, by clicking link:

    Remember, if you’re a Business Founder, Director or Manager in a small and medium enterprise, you too can learn about how to benefit from being part of the sustainability movement! 🌱🌎

    For updates on Sustainability Training seminars and masterclasses, follow the Eventbrite page for Sustainability Support Service at PHY Ltd.
